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We Immigrants by Poposki

Zoran Poposki, We Immigrants, 2017, digital glitch video animation, DVD, stereo, 1:50 minutes.



Zoran Poposki’s We Immigrants is a series of glitch/gif hand-drawn portraits of major figures in modern European cultural and intellectual history who have themselves been immigrants, including political philosopher Hannah Arendt, child writer Anne Frank, the proto-abstract expressionist painter Arshile Gorky, the composers Bela Bartok and Frederic Chopin, psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, structuralist anthropologist Claude Levy-Strauss, and the painter Marc Chagall, among many others.


Framed by quotes from Arendt’s writings on immigrant/refugee identity, the subject matter of the piece is echoed in the very process of creation of the video, starting with hand-drawn works on paper that are then subjected to data bending, code erasure, and data moshing to produce a hybrid work.



Osage Gallery Hong Kong, 2018.

ArtStays International Festival of Contemporary Art in Slovenia, 2017.

Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art in Manchester, 2017.

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